July 27, 2024


Xi tempted to absorb Taiwan before Biden term ends?
As the Biden administration draws near its close, so too does Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping’s window of opportunity for annexing Taiwan, analysts say. Read More.
German state cuts 'lazy' migrants' benefits in half
The state of Saxony-Anhalt in Germany has cut the benefits of asylum seekers who refused to clean up debris following heavy flooding. Read More.
Foreign spies knew of Biden's condition long before U.S. public
Any chats by White House officials and close U.S. allies about Joe Biden’s condition in vulnerable communications over the past four years were “about 100%” intercepted by foreign spies. Read More.
China-Cuba expanded military ties threaten U.S. bases
In 2024 the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is demonstrating increasing boldness in its capacity to execute aggression and to position itself for warfare with the United States. Read More.
Dissident: Appeasing Iran led to new Mideast instability
Iran’s regime is at its weakest point in nearly half a century having been stung by its brutal crackdown on internal dissent, an economy in shambles, and the death of its president. Continued appeasement of the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism has only made matters worse, spiraling the Middle East into a new era of instability, the leader of the world’s largest Iranian dissident organization said. Read More.
WEF's Schwab: Force humanity to collaborate with gloablists
All of humanity needs to be "forced into a collaboration" with globalist elite "stakeholders," World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab said at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions in China in late June. Read More.
North Koreans executed for sharing South Korean culture
North Korean defectors have testified that the Kim Jong-Un regime has been conducting public executions, mostly by firing squad, of North Koreans caught distributing South Korean TV shows, movies, or K-pop music, South Korea’s Unification Ministry said in a report. Read More.
For 40 years, U.S. intel assumed China posed no threat
For the better part of four decades, U.S. intelligence agencies failed to address the emerging threat from communist China and, now, the U.S. is “not prepared intellectually, ideologically, organizationally, nor militarily” to confront that threat, (Ret.) Navy Capt. James Fanell said in congressional testimony on June 26. Read More.
Harassment, discrimination charges rock Schwab's WEF
Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum (WEF) boasts that its mission is to improve the state of the world, and many prominent world leaders have been groomed through WEF's Young Global Leaders Forum. Read More.
Russia-N. Korea defense pact energizes the dictatorship alliance
In the year 2010 North Korea was correctly a pariah state, isolated by layers of sanctions from the United States, the United Nations and other democracies, while its attempts at missile proliferation were intercepted on the high seas. Read More.
China won't rule out AI role in nuclear warfare decisions
Should the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the deployment of nuclear weapons be restricted? Read More.
Ex-S. Korean spy chief confirms North’s role in ‘Gwangju incident’
North Korean special forces were involved in the 1980 "Gwangju incident" in South Korea, a former head of South Korea's intelligence agency has now confirmed. Read More.
Inspector General: Pentagon lost track of funds to Chinese labs
The Pentagon does not know how much funding it awarded to Chinese research labs that could have been used to enhance pathogens with pandemic potential, according to a June 20 report by the Department of Defense’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). Read More.
Before Kim-Putin met, nations had several high-level meetings
In the run-up to the June 18 meeting in Pyongyang between North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and Russian leader Vladimir Putin, the two countries had exchanged more than two dozen high-level government, parliamentary, and other delegations since July 2023, including 18 this year. Read More.
The 'troubled history' of WHO director Tedros
Close ties with China and Bill Gates are about all one needs to be a WHO director these days. But what about Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus's ideological qualifications? Read More.

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